Private Detective And Investigator For Identity Theft Cases

It’s estimated that the number of cases of identity theft went up by over a third in the first quarter of 2015, alone. It is clear that this is one crime that is worryingly on the increase. If you have been a victim of this type of issue, a private detective and investigator could well be of invaluable assistance.

What is identity theft, though? In short, it arises when a criminal steals a private individual’s personal information and subsequently masquerades as them. The results can be devastating, with huge bills being run up in the individual’s name, the ruination of their credit rating to large scale fraud, or theft being perpetrated under that victim’s identity. In the immediate aftermath, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to obtain any sort of credit, including a mortgage, so you can see just how traumatic it could be if your identity is stolen. If you are concerned that this may have happen to you, then realising that it is a form of fraud will point you in the direction of a private investigator for assistance. If you’re unfortunate enough to have fallen victim to this crime, then it is absolutely critical that you take action as quickly as possible to limit the damage as much as you can. Appoint a properly qualified and experienced private detective, to track down and assess the scale of the fraud. This will enable you to go to the authorities and to begin to put things right. A good PI will always ensure that their report is robust and properly prepared so that it is admissible in court.

If you suspect you have fallen victim to fraud of this type, contact UK Background Checks. Our expert private detective and investigator team will advise on what we can do to help. Contact us through our website at or by dialling +44(0)845 512 0440 as soon as possible.